The regulation in the NNRP

Ministerial decree N° 2008-04 dated 2nd January 2008

Ministerial decree N° 2008-04 dated 2nd January 2008

All the regulations concerning the protection of the NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul are set out in Ministerial decree N° 2008-04 dated 2nd January 2008, concerning the creation of the NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul.

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The police patrolling the NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul

The police patrolling the NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul

The NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul is patrolled by four rangers that have been sworn in by the  French Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea. These Rangers have full authorisation to apply current regulations concerning the NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul. They can draw up reports concerning offences committed and impose fines.

The RNNESP, the governing body of the NNR of the Pond of Saint-Paul, is one of the signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding concerning treatment of breaches of environmental regulations in Reunion. The Memorandum of Understanding enables coordination between different police forces responsible for environmental issues, in collaboration with the courts of Reunion.

Patrols are regularly organised in common between the Indian Ocean Nature Brigade (BNOI), the Fishing Federation of Reunion and the municipal police of Saint-Paul.
